Haotian electrical and electronic switch factory is a collection development, manufacturing as one of the professional environmental protection electronic electrical switch production enterprises. The main manufacturing precision micro switch (high-end rocker switch (high-grade straight key switches (resistance temperature toggle switch (flame retardant USB socket (high temperature DC socket (high temperature materials in the earphone socket (high performance toggle switch (high function switch lock (waterproof light touch switch (ultrathin key switch (patch type self-locking switch (reset switch. Products are widely used in automotive electrical, instrumentation, computer, notebook computer, mobile communication interface device.
皓天拥有一批高素质技术人才,并不断引进及吸收国内外电子顶尖技术及先进生产设备和高精度的测试仪器,产品广泛销售于内陆及香港﹑台湾市场,工厂成立以来秉持和谐﹑创新﹑互信﹑互利的经营理念,“客户至上”﹑”质量第一” ﹑ “全面品管” ﹑“持续改进”的方针政策,结合全体员工的智慧,为承续经营的目标努力不懈,目前已通ISO9000:2008国际质量体系认证.
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