联系人: 陈细评(先生)手机:13510508612
电话:0755-23048669 QQ:2540222096
阿里旺旺:bbang147258 邮政编码:518000
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?电压: 50 V
?电流(在 40°C 以上时,每上升 1 °C 电流 降低 1%): 1.5 A
?功率: 50 W
编程精度(在 30 分钟预热后温度为 23°C ±5°C 时,适用于从最小值到最大值的程序)
?高电压范围: 0.016% + 6 mV
?低电压范围(≤ 5.5 V): 0.016% + 1.5 mV
?高电流范围: 0.04% + 200 μA
?低电流范围(≤ 100 mA,0 - 7 V): 0.04% + 15 μA
纹波和噪声(20 Hz 至 20 MHz)AgilentN6761A
?电压峰峰值: 4.5 mV
?CV rms: 350 μV
?(PARD) CC rms: 2 mA
电流测量精度(23°C ± 5°C)AgilentN6762A
?高电流范围:(≤ 1.5 A): 0.04% + 160 μA
?低电流范围(≤ 100 mA,0 - 7 V): 0.03% + 15 μA
?低电流范围(≤ 100 mA,0 - 50 V): 0.03% + 55 μA
?选件 2UA 微安范围(≤ 200 uA): 0.5% + 100 nA
Agilent N6761A(50W)是一个精密的直流电源模块,它能够提供毫安级和微安级的
精确控制和测量功能,并可同时对电压和电流进行数字化处理。当在 N6700 小型主机
中使用时,它可以在类似于示波器的数据缓冲器中捕获这些测量结果;当在 N6705A 直
购这个模块和选件 2UA。选件 2UA 添加了 200 μA 全量程电流测量范围,适用于低至 1 μA
AgilentN6762A Key Features & Specifications Output Ratings
?Voltage: 50 V
?Current: 3 A
?Power: 100 W
Programming Accuracy (at 23°C ±5°C)
?Voltage high range: 0.016% + 6 mV
?Voltage low range (≤ 5.5 V): 0.016% + 1.5 mV
?Current high range: 0.04% + 200 μA
?Current low range (≤ 100 mA, @ 0 - 7 V): 0.04% + 15 μA
Ripple & Noise (20 Hz to 20 MHz)AgilentN6762A
?Voltage peak-to-peak: 4.5 mV
?Voltage rms: 350 μV
?Current rms: 2 mA
The Agilent N6762A is a 100 W precision DC power module that provides low noise,
and precise control and measurements in the milliampere and microampere region with
the ability to simultaneously digitize voltage and current, and capture those measurements
in an oscilloscope-like data buffer. For leakage current or sleep-mode current measurements,
add option 2UA for measurement capability down to 1 μA.AgilentN6762A
This module is used in both the small, multiple output 1U high N6700 Low-Profile Modular
Power System (for ATE systems) and the multiple output N6705 DC Power Analyzer (for bench
testing). GPIB, LAN, USB, and LXI Class C compliance are standard. select from more than 20
different DC power modules, ranging in capability from basic to high precision, and in power
from 20 - 300 W.AgilentN6761A